How does a crystal “work”?
There is a trigger explanation.
Human beings are designed to also live on what they call “auto-pilot” automatically performing, saving cognitive and physical energy. Some people don’t have access to their subconscious or the thoughts and motives beneath their actions and beliefs. But all people are subject to triggering them. This is what a crystal can do; help trigger your frame of mind and more. When you have an area of your life that you want to work with, you can use crystals to trigger your subconscious associated with that need. For example a red crystal (hematite)
is also associated with safety and so can be used to subliminally change your mind to that state of feeling connected with the earth and being safe. An image is known reach the subconscious faster than before you are actively aware of it. Take advantage of this by directing the energy you need to yourself with a select crystal.